Meet the Sharks
Naming Convention: Species - Location - Year - Shark Number
Shark Type - Location - Year (2 digits) + Shark Number (2 digits)
SG = Sixgill
R = Redondo, A = Alki, S=Sund Rock, W=Whytecliff, HC=Hood Canal
23 = 2023
06 = 6th shark we've seen so far this year
Marking Abbreviations (Fins of the shark)
LPF - Left Pectoral Fin
RPF - Right Pectorlal Fin
LPvF - Left Pelvic Fin
RPvF - Right Pelvic Fin
DF - Dorsal Fin
AF - Anal Fin
UCF - Upper lobe of Caudal Fin
LCF - Lower lobe of Caudal Fin
CF - Caudal Fin
Name: Cutie Pie
Sex: Female
Size: 8-9'
First Reporter: John S.
Videos: Video
Dive Sites: Redondo
Markings: A relatively clean shark with few/no markings. One small notch out of the trailing edge of the LPF and a horizontal white mark above the LPF.
Name: Sweetie Pie
Sex: Female
Size: 8-9'
First Reporter: John S.
Videos: Video
Dive Sites: Redondo
Markings: Visible notch out of trailing edge of LPF. Small black dots/marks on LPF and upper caudal fin. Smaller, wider notch out of trailing edge of LPvF
Name: TBD
Sex: Female
Size: 6-7'
First Reporter: Corinne L.
Video: Video 1
Dive Sites: Glen Ayr Resort
Markings: Nothing Obvious
Name: TBD
Sex: Female
Size: 7-8'
First Reporter: Corinne L.
Dive Sites: Redondo
Markings: Fresh scars on left side of body - Specifically a vertical mark behind the LPF and a few marks above the LPvF. A white spot on the forehead and a white line about 1/2 way up the upper lobe of the Caudal Fin.
Name: Steve
Sex: Female
Size: 9-10'
First Reporter: Taylor V.
Pictures and videos: Facebook
Dive Sites: Flagpole
Markings: Possible white haze on trailing edge of RPF. Small white line over right eye. White marks on top of body.
Name: TBD
Sex: Male
Size: 7-8'
First Reporter: Xuanni D.
Picture Links: Pictures
Dive Sites: Pulali Point
Markings: Double white mark on body slightly above/behind LPF. Single white mark on body slightly above/behind RPF. Small notch out of lower lob and 2 small notches out of upper lobe of caudal fin.