Meet the Sharks

Naming Convention: Species - Location - Year - Shark Number

Shark Type - Location - Year (2 digits) + Shark Number (2 digits)

SG = Sixgill

R = Redondo, A = Alki, S=Sund Rock, W=Whytecliff, HC=Hood Canal

23 = 2023

06 = 6th shark we've seen so far this year

Marking Abbreviations (Fins of the shark)

LPF - Left Pectoral Fin

RPF - Right Pectorlal Fin

LPvF - Left Pelvic Fin

RPvF - Right Pelvic Fin

DF - Dorsal Fin

AF - Anal Fin

UCF - Upper lobe of Caudal Fin

LCF - Lower lobe of Caudal Fin

CF - Caudal Fin


Name: Cutie Pie

Sex: Female

Size: 8-9'

First Reporter: John S.

Videos: Video

Dive Sites: Redondo

Markings: A relatively clean shark with few/no markings.  One small notch out of the trailing edge of the LPF and a horizontal white mark above the LPF.


Name: Sweetie Pie

Sex: Female

Size: 8-9'

First Reporter: John S.

Videos: Video

Dive Sites: Redondo

Markings: Visible notch out of trailing edge of LPF.  Small black dots/marks on LPF and upper caudal fin.  Smaller, wider notch out of trailing edge of LPvF


Name: TBD

Sex: Female

Size: 6-7'

First Reporter: Corinne L.

Video: Video 1

Dive Sites: Glen Ayr Resort

Markings: Nothing Obvious


Name: TBD

Sex: Female

Size: 7-8'

First Reporter: Corinne L.

Videos: Video 1, Video 2

Dive Sites: Redondo

Markings: Fresh scars on left side of body - Specifically a vertical mark behind the LPF and a few marks above the LPvF.  A white spot on the forehead and a white line about 1/2 way up the upper lobe of the Caudal Fin.


Name: Steve

Sex: Female

Size: 9-10'

First Reporter: Taylor V.

Pictures and videos: Facebook

Dive Sites: Flagpole

Markings: Possible white haze on trailing edge of RPF.   Small white line over right eye. White marks on top of body.


Name: TBD

Sex: Male

Size: 7-8'

First Reporter: Xuanni D.

Picture Links: Pictures

Dive Sites: Pulali Point

Markings: Double white mark on body slightly above/behind LPF. Single white mark on body slightly above/behind RPF.  Small notch out of lower lob and 2 small notches out of upper lobe of caudal fin.

To see the 2023 Six Gill Sharks, go here.

To see the 2022 Six Gill Sharks, go here.

To see the 2021 Six Gill Sharks, go here.

To see the 2020 Six Gill Sharks, go here.